Sunday, November 9, 2008

I apologize for not posting regularly. I have recently moved and my computer isn't online yet. I do however, want to give my comments on the 2008 election.

  • Although I disagree with Barack Obama and would almost certainly never vote for him, I am glad that we have come to a day, as Americans where a black man can be President of the United States.\
  • Sarah Palin is the Republican Party's new superstar.  If she wants the nomination in 2012, I believe it will be hers, granted that she doesn't do anything really stupid ala John Edwards.
  • The Republican Party needs to find a way to appeal to Hispanics, while at the same time not becoming pro-amnesty.  We should in our outreach to them, put a spotlight on the GOP's conservative positions that the majority of Latino's share.
  • We need to also take a page from Obama's playbook, and find a way to appeal to the youth vote. We need to find a way to use the internet for this, the way 'The Chosen One" has.
This is going to be a tough 4 years for us Conservatives. But, we should use this time to reform the Republican Party, and once again make it the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Reagan.