Friday, May 22, 2009

Liberty University Shuts Down Campus Democratic Party Club

When I read this today, A few things floated through my mind.

#1 If I were a Democrat, Why would I being going to Liberty University?

#2 There are enough Democrats at Liberty to fill a broom closet?

I think that the university made the right choice here; The National Democratic Party is anathema to the values that Liberty was founded on. I wouldn't expect Liberty to endorse meetings of SoulForce, the Gay rights organization founded by former Falwell aide Mel White. Liberty is a private institution and the students knew what they were getting into when they enrolled. If they don't like it, they can either have their meetings off campus, without using the university's name, or they can transfer to a school that shares their values.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Majority of Americans now Pro Life

I was pleasantly surprised when I visited Hot Air this morning and read that for the first time since Gallup began polling it in 1996, a majority of Americans are Pro Life. Here's the link.