Sunday, November 13, 2011

Musing of a Taco Bell cashier

I am have been working at a Taco Bell as a cashier for the last year. Before this I worked in as an operator/Customer Service rep for various companies. I got laid off at the end of 2008 and searched for a year and a half for another job until I found this one. It took some getting used to, being on my feet up to 8 hours a day and the pay is quite a bit less then a call center pays but I like my job. I have a great boss and don't dread coming to work everyday like I did working customer service. I have observed some things in my year of waiting on customers that I wanted to share.

  • Old people like to use change alot more then young people.
  • Women are more apt to complain about things then men are.
  • Some people you can't make happy, no matter how hard you try.
Do I want to do this for the rest of my life? No, but if I was getting paid $10 an hour I could live with it!