Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Turmoil in the Middle East

The murder of the American Ambassador to Libya and his cohorts, as well as violent protests in Egypt have been blamed on the outrage over a You Tube video which  mocks the Prophet Muhammad.  As a Christian,I am offended when I hear Jesus Christ's name used in vain and when I see him mocked on South Park and other comedy shows.  However when is the last time you saw Christians take to the street to protest blashphemy over their God?  There might of been a couple of instances in 1988 when The Last Temptation of Christ was released but besides that I can not think of any others.  Does Islam want to be known as a religion that is only feared but not respected?  Governments may urge the videos to be taken down and web sites may comply  but this is because of the violence, not because of the principles of Islam or  the greatness of Muhammad.  Otherwise why aren't artworks such as 'Piss Christ' which is a picture of a crucifix submerged in urine banned? Just a thought....