Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Presidential Places Part III

In July 2005, My mom and I were driving back to Pennsylvania from a sojourn in Virginia. Somehow I talked her into getting off the interstate to look for Hollywood Cemetery. Hollywood is one of two places (The others being a church in Quincy, Ma and Arlington National Cemetery.) where two presidents are buried. We drove around for a bit and finally reached the c
emetery. It was a hot July day when I started walking, searching for the two presidents final resting place.

Unfortunely I started on the opposite end of the cemetery from where James Monroe and John Tyler's tombs were. I did pass by the grave of James Thomas Flexner, author of a multi volume biography of George Washington. I had read that Jefferson Davis and J.E.B. Stuart were also buried here but saw no signs of their graves. The Sun and dehydration started to effect me. I thought about giving up, but said to myself  "No, You will find them, they got to be here somewhere."  I had walked what seemed like a mile when I saw the profile of the 10th President on a big monument. I found it! 

Me at John Tyler's grave. The black birdcage like tomb is James Monroe's.
I took a picture of myself at Monroe's tomb but it won't upload. I was too tired to look for Jefferson Davis, so I walked back to the car and left.

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